Shekinah Lane


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How many times have you heard people say “I wish I had asked my parents……………..”  You fill in the blanks. Shekinah Lane is our story of those blank spaces. We want future generations of our family and your family to realize that God can use us in our weakness if we dare to dwell in the secret place (the Shekinah glory) of the most High God. 

That glory is only found as we step out in faith, out of our comfort zone, and out of preconceived restrictions. We experienced the freedom of serving God with people from various backgrounds as well as those who had no religious background to restrict their faith journey. 

When we are young children we depend on our parents. As teens we tolerate our parents.  Young adults depend on parents again to help with their children. Midlife finds us busy with our teens – ball games, school activities, and before we know it – we are the grandparents. Many times only in the later years of our lives do we start to reflect and wish we had spent more time talking to our parents and asking those questions to pass down to future generations.

My parents died in the midst of our sons’ teen age years. My mother suffered a major heart attack and died a few hours after I arrived at the hospital. Two years later my father died of lung cancer.  Since I was in that midlife time, I had not asked those questions about my parent’s lives to fill in those blanks.

John’s parents both lived long lives. They moved close to us here in the north Georgia Mountains in 1999. For eleven years we shared them with our sons and their families.

Having four generations interact was a delight. We enjoyed the twinkle in Great Papaw’s eye and the smile on MeeMaw’s face as he shared the story about their wedding night.  Every December 23 he disclosed, as if it was the first time he told it, about when he and MeeMaw were married and the house caught on fire.  We made them an anniversary DVD one year and the background music was Johnny Cash’s song “We got married in a Fever.”

Even though we shared many years with John’s parents, there are still some blanks.  We wish we could talk to them just once more and ask the lyrics to so many jingles that Great Papaw loved to recite or his secrets for successful crappie fishing and also to ask Meemaw about her faith journey, her visions, her determination to teach without a formal education.

Shekinah Lane is our attempt to complete many blanks for our children, grandchildren and future generations.  We want them to know the joys as well as the struggles we experienced in our lives.  Our spiritual journey is the train that drives all the adventure.

I’m Pat, mom to two, nana to three and hopefully encourager to those who visit here. Join me as we discover how “much more valuable” we are when we follow and trust instead of lead and worry.